Journalistic Writings, Two

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Oil Companies Plan: Drill In Florida Panther Habitat

Matthew Schwartz, a transplanted Brooklynite, fell in love with the South Florida wilderness. After learning what the oil industry has planned for the region - plans that he says threatened the Florida panther to a greater degree than first believed, Schwartz began researching the number of official permits were issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. He was concerned enough that he plans to attend a meeting in Naples on March 11 to discuss oil well wast water with the federal Environmental Protection Agency, one of the Broward/Palm Beach New Times' blogs reports.

Among some of his findings, Schwartz discovered that the Dan A. Hughes Co. of Beeville, Texas has leased the mineral rights on approximately 115,000 acres from Collier Resources, including a well next to the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. The lease also includes large portions of the panther refuge, as well as part of the Big Cypress National Preserve, and the Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Schwartz also found two more leases issued by Collier Resources.

To read the article on the Broward/Palm Beach New Times' blog in its entirety, click here.

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